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On August 27, 2021, I finally made the decision to make a Tik-Tok account. When God had first planted the idea in my heart, I was super resistant and doubtful. Up until then, Tik-Tok had only been an app where people see amusing videos and pull pranks. I thought to myself, “How in the world am I supposed to reach these young people on here? Doing a Tik-Tok gospel dance?” I was not about to reduce the gospel to pranks and games; so, I brushed off the idea of making an account. However, after months of wrestling with this idea, I finally gave in and chose to believe and trust God. Almost immediately, I heard God say, “This isn't for you! It's for GEN-Z!” At once, I understood why I was supposed to go on Tik-Tok. This seemingly simple social media app was about to be my new mission field.


Years prior to opening a Tik-Tok account, I had already been witnessing to people from all over the world on a different app known as Monkey but now God was calling me to Omegle. I had seen God touch countless of lives on the site that was world-famous for its unpredictable dark and perverse culture; yet I had never thought of recording these interactions and posting them on social media, like Tik-Tok or Instagram. As someone who was somewhat familiar with how social media algorithms work, I never would have imagined that these raw evangelism videos would ever go viral. Nonetheless, shortly after posting my first reel, I saw what should have taken months quickly become something that thousands of people were being drawn to. I received hundreds of messages from believers and non-believers alike, all of them wanting to get close to God and asking how they too can share about Jesus. This was far-beyond what I could have ever imagined. Currently, it’s been a year now since first stepping in this new platform and many have come to know Jesus and thousands more have been inspired to share the love of God.


With all this, God is inviting His sons and daughters to step out of the sidelines and move into action. This is how the Jesus shirt came to be. Friend, Jesus is wanting YOU to be part of this Great Commission. People now more than ever need Jesus. Many are suffering and are going through rough times- yet God wants to partner with you and I to save those that are perishing. My purpose and sole desire in creating this Jesus Shirt, would be that you would be compelled and reminded to share with others about Jesus. He is the only one worthy of all the stardom and praise. He is the only hope for this world. Jesus is the remedy and the solution for this world. Remember, you are the salt of the earth, and you were born for such a time as this! We were called to be the Salt & Light of the world.


“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?" Matthew 5.13




Freddy Aguilar

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